After months of research and development, Prep Doctors and Transitions Group have come together to create a comprehensive, hands-on course for dentists taking their first steps into the Canadian market. Entering the Dental Market (EDM) is an introductory course of our new Dental Practice Management program offered in two streams: new associate and new practice owner. EDM follows the new associate stream.
Our expert instructors will help newly registered (or soon-to-be registered) dentists identify their strengths and interests, draft a resume, find the right opportunities, and craft a bio to help that will help them create a name for themselves. Participants will also learn how to network in dentistry’s highly connections-influenced industry. They will also get key advice and tips to ace interviews and layout a 90-day plan for success as a dental associate.
With more than 1,300 newly registered dentists entering the profession annually in Canada, combined with today’s unprecedented economic challenges, the market for dental associate positions has never been more competitive. With our partnership with Transitions Group on this course and the entire Dental Practice Management program, we are looking to create the complete guide to getting you hired at your dream job.
To learn more about Prep Doctors, our continuing education courses or to register to Entering the Dental Market (EDM), click here.